Brand Identification - Does your Brand Rumble Thundering Recognition

Everything I know about a Harley-Davidson could probably be summed up in the Thunder Across the Prairie a biker race that happens every fall as bikers gather to race along the Arkansas Valley for Charity. However, I do recognize the name Harley-Davidson, and I know the sound of the bike as it thunders along the highway.

But, did you know that Harley-Davidson makes more money on ‘other stuff’ than they do on bikes?

What makes their STUFF so valuable? The Brand implanted on their alternative purchases indicates a specific kind of value. You wear the logo, you epitomize a specific kind of person.

When I was younger I steered clear of bikers, Harley-Davidson types with leather bindings on every part of their anatomy. I felt they were probably up to no good. Then I met my current attorney, a long tall Texan with a Harley Davidson, a beard that makes Black Beard look like a Geek and a pair of biceps that remind me of King Kong. I’ve seen the man walk into a court room where the Judge looked up in awe of his presence and I’ve participated in Gubernatorial Fund Raisers with him where he was the spokesman for the Candidate. His Harley-Davidson doesn’t speak for him, however, he speaks well for Harley-Davidson.

The Harley-Davidson logo, their name, their identity makes them money, and most people recognize their logo as being BIKE related, because everyone recognizes a Harley-Davidson thundering across the prairie, or along the highway.

Most of the Money Made by Harley-Davidson is NOT made by selling motorcycles. Those fat stacks of cash brought into the Harley-Davidson dealer didn’t purchase motorcycles, but rather other items sporting the logo. Leathers, helmets, shirts, coats, keychains, and a gazillion other accessories sport their logo and make money for the company — because they sport the logo.

Your brand can be the reason people buy your product!

How effective is your Brand? Is it Amazing?

Jan Verhoeff has created a business marketing with Brand Identification and Recognition. You too, could be selling stuff just because it bears your brand, if you make your brand famous. If you’re ready to make your BRAND stand up and be noticed - visit and go for it!

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