Harley Davidson Motorcycle Raffles - Profitable Annual Fundraisers for Schools and Charities

Holding a fundraising raffle for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle can be a very effective way for a nonprofit organization, school, or charity to raise a large amount of money. In fact, many organizations across the United States hold an annual Harley-Davidson raffle and raise as much as $50,000 each year.

There are several advantages to holding a raffle with a grand prize such as a motorcycle. For one thing, you do not have to sell a large amount of tickets because the cost per ticket can range from $20 to $100 per ticket. This means that the odds of winning are attractive to purchasers.

If you sell 2,500 tickets at $50.00 a piece you will bring in $50,000. Even if you have to purchase the Harley for $15,000, after your other overhead expenses, such as ticket printing and advertising, you could still earn close to $35,000 with one Harley-Davidson raffle.

Raffle tickets can be sold over a period of several months in places such as Costco, shopping malls, and the local Harley-Davidson shop. If you can display the motorcycle that will help ticket sales. If it is legal in your state you may be able to sell the tickets by mail or over the internet from your website.

When you are considering any kind of raffle you first need to check with your State Attorney General's office to find out what the laws are regarding raffles in your state. You should also check with your local city government. In some states raffles are considered gambling and you will have to register and follow strict guidelines and reporting procedures.

You also need to find out if your organization's by-laws allow raffles and decide if a raffle is appropriate for your organization. Some organizations would not consider a raffle an appropriate way to raise funds. In some states school children are not allowed to sell raffle tickets.

There will be expenses associated with the raffle. You will need to print tickets and buy advertising. There may also be taxes and accounting and legal fees.

Along with the grand prize of the motorcycle it is always a good idea to have other smaller prizes. This helps sell tickets. The prizes can be cash prizes in amounts such as $100 to $500 or items associated with Harleys such as a motorcycle jacket, helmet or leather chaps.

The best way to acquire the prizes is, of course, to have them donated. However, your organization can also buy the prizes. If you are purchasing the motorcycle after the drawing, then you can offer the winner the option of accepting the prize or the cash equivalent of the motorcycle. The prize winner is always responsible for paying the taxes and any fees associated with accepting the prize. Again, this all has to be within the laws of your state.

If you are thinking of having a raffle for your next fundraiser I suggest you consider a Harley-Davidson raffle.

Article by Amy Passmore for DIYFundraising.com. Visit http://www.diyfundraising.com for more fundraising ideas for nonprofit organizations, clubs, schools and groups. Subscribe to our free RSS feeds from the DIY Fundraising Blog

Source: www.articlecity.com