Harley Tattoos

  • Small Tattoos
    Some of the best tattoos are small tattoos. This is often the best choice for someone new to tattoos. You will also find that you can have a lot of meaning in a tattoo that is small, such as a rose or heart tattoo. Five reasons to choose a small tattoo: 1. It is less painful and takes less time 2. The costs will be less 3. You may use it to cover a scar 4. If you ever wanted to hide it, it would be much easier. 5. If this is your first tattoo it would give you an idea of what to exp Read More...
  • Female Tattoos - What Women Want!
    Women are increasingly opting for large tattoos. 'New school' hearts, stars, roses and tribal tattoo designs on the lower back are increasingly being asked for by females. Women are definitely becoming more experimental in the shapes and sizes of their designs. Stereotypes and the stigma associated with tattoos prevented women from feeling confident with a tattoo up until even a decade ago. They don't want to be told what they can and cannot do. 40 or 50 years ago 10 percent of people with tatt Read More...
  • Tattoos in the Modern World
    I never knew tattoos were such a rage till I got one myself. If we consider the fact then tattoos are a rage mostly among youngsters who are trying to make themselves appear different from people of different generations. For some it is an expression of freedom whereas for others it is a way of attracting attention. You can see people wearing tattoos all over their bodies but lower back tattoos have caught the maximum attention since this is the area which is generally exposed and is a hit among Read More...