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Image or Protection - the Truth Behind Biker Boots

When you say motorcycle rider, what immediately comes to your mind? Probably, a tough looking man in leather jacket, fiery red helmet and not to forget the mind blowing hard-hitting motorcycle boots. Yes, that's your typical rider, the stereotype that has stuck for many years.

But the rider today is not as menacing looking as what we picture, not all riders are men (yes, there are female motorcycle aficionados) and the boots are not as deadly as they used to look. But this stereotype makes you kind of wonder, what is the real reason for wearing these boots? Is it a fashion statement or does it have a higher purpose like protecting the rider?

There are riders who ride motorcycles for the sheer fun of looking tough and cool but the real motorcycle enthusiasts at heart ride the bike because it is their passion to be one with the speed of their motor bike, to express themselves, not to impress others through riding and speeding up on the road. These are the people who know that boots are not only for their image; these are the people who recognize the importance of boots as a gear for protection.

One common injury from motorcycle that you can avoid by wearing boots is burning your leg on the exhaust. When the exhaust pipe gets exceedingly hot during the ride, even the slightest skin contact with it will cause a burn. A burn like this may sometimes be serious depending on the degree of the skin contact with the pipe. It usually takes several weeks to heal and often leaves a scar behind. Wearing a boot that covers the rider's feet and leg eliminates the possibility of getting that burn and will enable him to ride freely and comfortably without constantly having to worry about avoiding the touching the pipe.

Another injury that boots save the rider from is getting skin abrasions on the leg when a biker turns the bike on its side, as he slides along the road to prevent a serious accident. During skids like these, proper protective apparel like boots minimizes the burns and skin abrasions that a biker can get.

Although a lot of bikers will admit that they love the image that comes with wearing these boots, this is not entirely the factor that makes them don boots but more importantly the safety protection that it provides them with.

For more tips and information about Biker Boots, check out http://www.rockytopleather.com.

Source: www.ezinearticles.com