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How To Find A Good Harley Salesman That Cares About You

"I just left from the Harley dealership and I might not go back! They wouldn't negotiate with me at all. It was like they just didn't care". For all the Harley sales reps out there, I apologize on their behalf. You see, I used to be one and I understand their coarse attitudes. That's why I've written an e-book called "How to buy a Harley". Harley sales reps are taught that Harleys represent a dream purchase; something to be 'acquired' or 'cherished' like a '57 Chevy or a Rolex® watch. Unfortunately, they haven't all been taught humility and let's face it, some sales people have no people skills. They sometimes forget their bikes can cost more than cars and really are a luxury. They sometimes forget that you don't have to buy from their dealership. They sometimes forget that people have emotions and can get turned off from buying a Harley all together and will purchase another brand.

So how do you find a Harley sales rep that is going to treat you with the respect you deserve? There are several ways to find a good sales rep and to do so you don't even have to speak to them, not in the beginning.

• Talk to friends or fellow bikers and ask where and from whom they purchased their bike.

• Read the testimonials at the dealership's website to see what others had to say about their sales rep.

• When you enter the dealership, tell the sales rep that approaches you that you are going to the parts counter, or service department or motorclothes. Visit those departments and strike up a conversation with the department's staff. Begin your own personal survey. Ask them which of the sales reps are their favorite and why. Find out which rep is the most humble and really cares about their customers. If that person is off that day, get their business card and call him/her the next day.

A good sales rep is going to spend time with you, no matter how many visits it takes. They are going to let you sit on as many bikes as it takes until you find the one that fits you. A good rep will support the bike in the upright position while you straddle it. Are your shoulders comfortable and relaxed while sitting on the bike? Are your feet more comfortable in the forward, straight down or floor board position? Does the bike feel too heavy? Do you like the color? If you need to learn to ride, has the rep told you about the Rider's Edge or state funded motorcycle training programs? Don't forget to ask questions about special financing programs, special maintenance or motorclothes or accessories programs. You're going to need a good helmet and jacket too (try to work that in your deal).

Most Harley sales people are paid by commission only. They need you just as much as you need them. Find the one that never forgets that one major fact and your purchasing process will be extremely pleasant. You will also find yourself writing a testimonial as to your experience.

If you need additional advice or want to have your own personal sales negotiator, please visit my website at http://www.howtobuyaharley.com Happy hunting.

I am Rodney Jackson. Consider me your best friend when it comes to providing you the knowledge you need to intelligently purchase a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. If you need a negotiator in your back pocket, visit me at: http://www.howtobuyaharley.com

Source: www.articletrader.com