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Lower Back Tattoos - Is a Tattoo on Your Lower Back Right For You?

Lower back tattoos are a fast-growing fashion these days, as are tattoos in general. So many young people out there can't wait until they turn of legal age to get a tattoo, and even more are requesting actual parent permission to get a tattoo before the age of 18, the legal age required in order to get a tattoo on your own.

Where to Put Your Tattoo

One of the tough parts of deciding to get your first tattoo is deciding where to put it. Lower back tattoos are a popular spot for young ladies, but it is important to put your tattoo in a place that is easily covered for work if so required.

Also, you want to put your tattoo in a place where you would be proud to show it off if you wanted to, and able to do so. Some people get tattoos for personal reasons, and that is the time to get tattoos in places where you have to remove an article of clothing to get it. For those who want tattoos to show the world, lower back tattoos may not be the area for a tattoo.

Deciding On Your Design

Deciding on the design for lower back tattoos is another thing that is especially important. When you choose a design, stick to something that you are going to be able to cover if the need arises and be sure to land on something that you could stand looking at forever. Sure, you may like Winnie the Pooh now but you might not be so keen on him once you hit your 50s. Get something as timeless as possible, something that you can stand to look at for the rest of your life and be proud of.

Remember that tattoos, lower back tattoos or otherwise, are permanent. They are a form of art that is going to be etched on your body, so get it on an area of your body that you can live with and a design that you can look at and be pleased with forever.

See more great photos, articles, recommendations, links and more about lower back tattoos by visiting: http://www.awesome-lower-back-tattoos.com

Source: www.ezinearticles.com