Harley Wings » Broken Harley Wings

Broken Wings

"How are you little one?"

"I am fine. Thank you for your concern kind sir."

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"No sir, it's been broken for so long that I nearly forgot how it was like to have them whole."

"Don't you miss soaring through the skies, free as can be?"

"Not really sir. I can still be free hopping on the ground."

"But don't you miss having a bird's eye view of the world little one?"

"It is subjective kind sir. You might think being up there equates to freedom. You might think that being up there means you can see the whole world at a glance. Yet you might have forgotten that there is a different set of predators up there, and the blanket view from above might not be better than the involved view down here."

"Why so little one?"

"Well, sir. Sometimes it's better to see less, and know less. Sometimes it's better to enjoy what you have around you than to sulk about what was lost. See those crickets chirping in harmony there? See the butterflies flitting round the flowers? If the accident never happened, I would have not been able to enjoy these sights."

"But you could have still landed and watched them no?"

"Haha! Don't take offence for this but most of us live our lives with our eyes close sir. It is usually through an extraordinary encounter that we learn to open our eyes to the little things around us."

"Well said little one."

"Pardon me sir but I have to go. Time for me to feed. Thank you for the wonderful company kind sir."

"Thank you for the enlightening conversation little one. Fare thee well."

William T is a writer who thinks and drinks too much for his own good. Read more about his thoughts at : http://www.aberwyn.net/words

Source: www.ezinearticles.com